Namo Guru Arya Lokesvaraya
May the transcendent Compassionate Eyed One, who trained in the two collections from beginningless time and whose holy mind filled with the treasure of great compassion encircle migratory beings like a lasso and guide beings forever.
The Infinite Light Buddha (Amitabha) said, "In order to benefit degenerate time sentient beings, the benefits of the six syllables are explained here. Anyone who recites the six syllables while turning the Dharma Wheel at the same time is equal in fortune to the Thousand Buddhas,"
Shakyamuni Buddha said, "Listen well, Completely Eliminating Obscurations (Dikpa Nangsel), the sublime practicioner of the heart meaning turning the inside shaft [Dharma Wheel]once is better than having done retreat for one year; the middle practicioner of the heart meaning turning the Dharma Wheel once is better than having done retreat for seven years; and even the lower practicioner of the heart meaning turning the Dharma Wheel is better than having done retreat for nine years. Turning the Dharma Wheel is better than listening, reflecting and meditating for aeons.
Completely Eliminating Obscurations (Dikpa Nansel) then said, "Turning the Dharma Wheel once is better than attemting to practice the ten paramitas for a thousand years, It is even better than explaining and listening to the Tripitaka and the four tantras for aeons."
The Saviour Maitreya Buddha said, "If one offers well divine dress (katas, scarves, canopy) to the profound Dharma Wheel, one will receive rich dress for five-hundred lifetimes. From the merit of offering the hook, one will proceed along the entire path of liberation. From the merit of having offered the shaft(central rod), one will become the guide of all sentient beings.
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