The legend of the origin of the mani-wheel is like a journey to another world or dimension comparable to something out of Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones and his quest for the Holy Grail.
Arya Chenrezig predicted to Master Ludrup Nyingpo, "In the palace of the land of Naga is the Naga King Bodhisattva, who is the owner of a profound wheel of Dharma. By hearing, seeing, touching or thinking of this wheel, one can swiftly attain liberation from the suffering of the three lower rebirths. If you go and fetch this wheel, the benefits to sentient beings will be enormous."
Consequently, Master Ludrup visited the land of Naga and said to Naga King Bodhisattva, "Oh, Naga King Bodhisattva, please pay attention to me. I have come here because Arya Cherezig prophesized that the benefits to sentient beings will be enormous if I beg from you your profound wheel of Dharma, which can liberate beings from all types of sufferings of lower rebirths just by hearing, seeing, touching or thinking of it. Kindly give it to me."
Naga King Bodhisattva replied, "This wheel of Dharma, which has the quality of quickly liberating all transmigrators from the great suffering of the three lower rebirths merely by hearing, seeing, touching or thinking of it, was kindly given to us in the past by the Buddha Mar Mezed, and has given nagas much happiness. through it many have been led to the grounds and paths of Buddhahood. This Dharma Wheel is the wheel of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hung, the essence mantra Arya Chenrezig received from the Buddhas upon request, and which represents the essence of all the qualities of body, speech, mind and actions of the Buddhas. I shall give this wheel to you. You must place it on or in earth, water, fire or wind and use it for the sake of Dharma and living beings."
The wheel was passed on to Master Nagarjuna together with its instructions for use. Master Nagarjuna brought it to India and later passed it on to the Lion-Faced Dakini, Senge Dongma (Tibetan) Simhamukha (Sanskrit). From her the lineage passed through Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa and Milarepa to Dakpo Lha Je, then to Khampa Yu Se and so on.
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